I am a girl.
I am an expression of beauty, joy, and love.
I have the right, the power and the ability, to create a beautiful, joyful,
and peaceful world for myself and others.
I have a body, but I am not my body.
I have face, but I am not my face.
I am the most important thing in the world to me.
I am love in motion.
I am the light of the world!
I can create!
I can make a mistake!
I can create something beautiful in all that I do!
I deserve the best.
I give my best.
I do my best to always take care of me!
I am a girl!
I am growing into a woman!
I am the joy the world is waiting for!

by Iyanla Vanzant

Monday, April 19, 2010

SYW March Up the Massey!

For our March Spread Your Wings Circle Meeting, we decided to snow shoe up the Massey Draw Trail in Littleton, Colorado. Believe it or not, it was nearly 70 degrees and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky! Gosh it’s great to live in Colorado!
Our expedition of moms and their daughters headed up for a 2-mile round trip tour of the most popular trail in the Ken Caryl Valley subdivision. It’s popular because you pass through four ecosystems along the way. Luckily, Brooke brought her pedometer so we knew exactly how far we hiked!
And Mother Nature provided not only sun and a slight breeze but about 15 inches of new, wet spring snow five days earlier.
Overall, everyone had a blast, although there were some mishaps along the way: straps that wouldn’t tighten properly on the snow shoes, (if you were in the back of the pack, you witnessed a few pairs of snow shoes abandoned upright in the snow) a few spills in the wet mud (Sue is the best sport!), and a few tired moms, but mostly there were many laughs.
A hearty group of snow shoe enthusiasts trudged upward to the switchbacks into the deciduous forest and then there were others (Ginny and Sue) who took a seat on a log under a tree to wait for the group to head down.
We took photos of our expedition and it looks like we began an annual tradition of snow shoeing for our group. The sun, laughs, camaraderie, and friendship were all good for the soul after a long, cold winter.
We then returned to Ginny’s house for cold lemonade and homemade brownies. As we sat in a circle, we conducted a short feedback session to get input from all our members about Circle activities and the planning of next year’s activities. The girls had some great suggestions such as a weekend overnight Circle meeting, longer meetings for the upcoming year, and they suggested activities such as tie dying t-shirts, doing community service at an animal shelter, and camping.

We talked about putting a blog together so that everyone has a calendar of events for the year and photos of each meeting so we could post them on the Blogspot page. We also talked about what each of us has learned this year and it was fun to hear that moms felt they became closer to their daughters and had more meaningful conversations with them, and the daughters felt as though they learned to think about how their words/actions affect other kids’ self esteem.

Just before we dismissed the meeting, the girls made a human knot and ended up surprising everyone! TWO knots??? Oh, my!!!

All in all, it was a great day!

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