I am a girl.
I am an expression of beauty, joy, and love.
I have the right, the power and the ability, to create a beautiful, joyful,
and peaceful world for myself and others.
I have a body, but I am not my body.
I have face, but I am not my face.
I am the most important thing in the world to me.
I am love in motion.
I am the light of the world!
I can create!
I can make a mistake!
I can create something beautiful in all that I do!
I deserve the best.
I give my best.
I do my best to always take care of me!
I am a girl!
I am growing into a woman!
I am the joy the world is waiting for!

by Iyanla Vanzant

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's a Wrap!

Moms, remember when the girls were so little and we'd meet at Dinosaur Park for lunch?  And girls, remember crawling all over and under that big green or purple dinosaur???  Well, fast forward and now you're not little girls anymore....you've become young women! Time has taken wings....and so have you!

For our end-of-year SYW meeting, we took a step back in time by visiting Dinosaur Park near St. Anne's.  Basking in the sun, we wrapped up the year recounting our topics, events and adventures while mingling with our ol' buddy, the resident dinosaur, and munching on our sack lunches.

As the girls relaxed, both moms and daughters shared what we loved most about this year's SYW meetings and what we thought we could improve.  We recapped our discussions of building a bond of trust between mother and daughter, our own self-esteem, how to be a genuine friend, healthy eating habits and "finding our breaths" in time of need through some relaxing yoga techniques....all of these being "tools" that we added to our ever expanding SYW "toolbox".

A feedback survey was filled out by both moms and daughters giving their thoughts of this past year's meetings and suggestions for the 2010-2011 meetings.  If you were unable to attend, Ginny will be attaching the feedback survey to her next email.  You can print them out and mail them to her, or you may just email your and your daughter's feedback to her directly.

Lastly,  we are all realizing what an impact these fun, but educational meetings are having on our lives....how they are improving our relationships with each other and those lives we touch outside our circle.  This enrichment has sparked the idea of leaving a "legacy" behind....a legacy that represents accomplishment, encouragement, and growth toward realization of one's full potential as an individual and to our community.  In upcoming meetings, we will be discussing ideas to identify and implement the SYW's legacy.

Please check the SYW's blog often for new posts with upcoming events, meeting times, new topics of discussion and just plain ol' fun stuff....and we'd love to have you add your comments to each post!

And girls, please don't forget to send me your favorite top three songs to include on the iPod.  When you visit your SYW's blog, you may fast forward to the songs you want to hear while you are reading through it!